Through networking and searching, and fb groups I know there are tons of moms of multiples out there. I have also heard of moms who have a set of twins, and 6 other kids to care for. Or two sets of twins. Or someone with triplets, and twins on the way....THOSE people will have their hands full. THOSE people have a full house. And I suppose you would notice those families if they were walking in the grocery store. Why my family gets so much attention in public is always going to be a mystery to me.
I am saying this because I went to town twice this week...whoa, I know.....with my triple stroller. I'll admit, the kids do look like triplets being so close in age and size, which is certainly not common where I live. But at least half of the people I walk past look in awe, or turn around to sneak a longer look when my back is turned. I have 3 kids. I'm not a Duggar.
We all look a bit goofy here...I had the camera on the tripod, not an easy pic to get! |
I remember being in a store with my double stroller which had two sweet 8 month olds....that attracts enough attention. Then people caught sight of my huge pregnant belly, and I was a walking freak show.
My husband and I were in a restaurant when I was pregnant, the twins in highchairs, and the manager came to see us. (Probably because the waitress had told her about us....why???)
She asked me about my situation, so I told her, and she looked at me with a straight face and asked,
"Are you crazy? No, I mean really, are you crazy?"
Who says that? First of all, it's none of your business why or how or why I ended up being pregnant 2 months after the twins, especially if you are going to stare at me like I have cut off my own nose. And second, there are thousands of women who are devastated because they cannot bear children, and for a while I thought I was going to be one of them. Why on earth would I view my life as anything but a miracle? Am I crazy? YA, I am a walking crazy miracle!!!
I think this is the only photo of me with the twins, while pregnant with TT. It is a terrible photo. Like my hat? |
I live in a town where if something is out of norm, people have no problem staring. And apparently my triple stroller is not the norm. Today an employee in the store ran behind the counter to get her fellow co-workers and show them the stroller with the triplets. People, I can freaking hear you. Moms of actual triplets must feel like a freak show too!
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Out for a walk, at the moment no one was happy...except Gus the dog. |
I usually avoid any/all eye contact in public, like most moms of multiples. But often they insist on asking me something, or telling me "you have a full load there." I never know what to say. I am generally embarrassed, and fake smile while I continue walking, and mutter "sure do, ha..ha..ha." I know most people mean well, but I literally avoid going out in public alone with my kids for this reason. It happens at least 10 times each time I get groceries. It gets old. And a bit annoying.
On a positive note, my stroller can fit $180 worth of groceries packed on to it, including a box of diapers, a box of wipes, and 3 jugs of milk! That's my newest superpower!