Thursday, 14 June 2012

Reality 101

Soooo... what in the world made me think my twins would potty train in a week? I guess I should have read more books, or something... because I seriously thought I failed when 2 months later we are still working on it. Another lesson learned, another reason to just accept your children as they are. Over and over I am seeing that my ability as a mother, as THE teacher to my children is perfect as it is. I am doing a good job. They are learning, and however I decide to teach them IS OK. If I do it differently from psycho mom, it's not wrong. It's not the same for everyone, and that IS OK. My insecurity about being a parent needs to bugger off now :)
Sooo even though Alibear gives me this face a lot....

It doesn't necessarily mean that's my fault. It's no one's's just her, and gosh do I love that face!

And just because Dreydrey looks so angelic most of the time.........

Doesn't mean I somehow made her like's just her!

I guess what I am saying is my family is a perfect example of how kids come out of the womb with HUGE personalities, all on their own. Yes, we affect them and how they behave. But I have 3 children who are so close in age, and are each so very different in how they react to me, the world, and each other. If someone can tell me how I managed to create that, I'd love to know! I am going to sincerely try to ignore the judgments of others, and stop internalizing it so much. But mostly, I am going to work harder at just enjoying the moment, because soon enough I will be crying about how my twin girls slammed the door in my face, lied to me, and screamed that they hate me..........I am honestly terrified.